Last week in Craig’s life…
This last week was a flurry of events captured in pictures – mostly related to me going to a couple of parties with friends.
I also managed to get some of my backlog of pictures uploaded too…
Some of the Pictures after the Break...
Roughly In order of taking them…
On Monday, we had a good Farmer’s Market Run at HCRR…
The view from the Conductor’s car…
We saw a really long DoD Armor transport train come by – it actually got a crowd…
Wayne pulling one of the last runs for the day…
What would have been an otherwise disposed of picture, seems kind of cool with a couple of filters applied…
Went to Kalyne’s 17th Birthday Party…
Just as the food was coming out, the thunderstorm knocked out the power – so we got to have the rest of the party with the ambiance of the emergency lights. Doesn’t doo much for picture taking, though. Got a few decent ones.
Peggy’s birthday party and Introducing Tim
On Friday, we went to Peggy and Andrew’s… it was Peggy’s birthday and she was introducing everybody to her son Tim who is moving to NC from California…
That’s Tim on the Right
Andrew playing in, err, cutting the cake
And Finally, Saturday afternoon – Debbie’s housewarming party
Since Debbie’s garage was cleaned out and I had yet to really try out my Studio equipment, I setup in Debbie’s garage and while the party was happening, people would come out and ham it up for the camera – especially when they started looking for Props in the Garage…
I really have some work to do to get better with setup and positioning the flashes and properly metering for that much light – but all-in-all, it worked out and I think people had fun. Well, maybe except for Derek who was physically dragged into and restrained for a photograph.
Still here? Wow – you really do care!
And all these pictures don’t include that Debbie, Maria and I helped Vreanie sand down year of age and restore one of the cabriolets for the Renaissance Festival…
No wonder I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon and can’t sleep now :)